Phil Wennker is co-founder and AI engineer at Mnemonic AI, an Austin, Texas based start up working on AI generated psychographics and personalization. Previously he co-founded Deep Data Analytics and led research initiatives on Natural Language Processing.
With dataheads, he spent several years handcrafting boutique Machine Learning models to help organizations leverage insights from data. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences on data science and AI, not-so-frequent lecturer at universities in Germany and the US, and seldom author.
Events & Speaking
- 28.09.2023, AWS Executive Leaders, Austin
- 28-31.08.2023, Google Cloud Next – AI for faster and personalized product development
- 25.04.2023, Google Cloud Startup Summit
- 01.-02.04.2023, PyTexas
- 29.03.2023, Google Data Cloud & AI Summit, AMER
- 11.03.2023, Measure Camp North America
- 11. – 12.05.2022, Google i/o
- 26.02.2022, Measure Camp North America
- 6.-8.10.2020, Chaos Conf
- 14.-18.09.2020, TechCrunch Disrupt
- 16. – 17.04.2020, Mnemonic AI tech demo, ODSC East, Boston, MA
- 18.03.2020, Algorithmische Marketing Attribution bei komplexen Customer Journeys, SMX virtual
- 30. – 31.01.2020, Deep Learning Summit, San Francisco, CA
Tech Demo Mnemonic AI - 25.01.2020, Measure Camp Austin, Austin, Tx
- 04.10.2019, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Artificial Intelligence In Marketing, Communication and Research - 28.09.2019, Measure Camp San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Give me my data back – Tracking in times of ITP - 10.07.2019, Ruhr Universität Blue Square, Bochum
KI als Entscheidungshilfe - 16. – 20.06.2019, Mega Predictive Analytics World, Las Vegas, NV
- 20.05. – 23.05.2019, Collision Conference, Toronto, Canada
- 21.05.2019, Hear from German Start-ups, Canadian German Chamber of
Industry and Commerce, Toronto, Canada - 06. – 07.05.2019, Predictive Analytics World + Deep Learning World, München
- 01. – 02.04.2019, allfacebook, München
- 25.03.19, Auftaktveranstaltung des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Machine Learning and Data Analytics IZMD, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
- 24.-25.01.2019, Deep Learning Summit, San Francisco, CA
- 12.-16.11.2018, Softbank Misson Silicon Valley, San Francisco, CA
- 05.-08.11.2018, Web Summit, Lisbon
- 17.-18.10.2018, European Data Incubator, Berlin
Temporal Patern Recognition with LSTM RNN - 06.10.2018, Measure Camp, Brussels
- 28.07.2018, Measure Camp, San Francisco, CA
Lead Qualifying with LSTM networks - 12.07.2018, Media meets Finance, München
Künstliche Intelligenz zur Personalisierung der Customer Journey von FinTechs - 05.-06.07.2018, Data Science Ruhrgebiet, Bochum
Predictive Analytics in Retail, Customer Care, Manufacturing - 21.03.2018 – All Influencer Marketing Conference, München
Fraud Detection for Social Media Campaigns on Instagram - 20.03.2018 – All Facebook Marketing Conference, München
Recomendation System for Instagram Postings based on Image Recognition, Object detection - 23.03.2017 – Online Fundraising Forum, Berlin
Pattern Recognition and Clustering, Case Study - 21.03.2017 – Online Fundraising Forum, Köln
Pattern Recognition and Clustering, Case Study - 15.03.2017 – All Influencer Marketing Confernece, München
Meassuring Social Media Campaign Success with Machine Learning - 07.-09.06.2016 – Da Hub, London
- 15.03.2016 – Online Fundraising Forum, Berlin
Data Mining and Sentiment Analysis for NGOs - 10.03.2016 – Online Fundraising Forum, Köln
Data Mining and Sentiment Analysis for NGOs